Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Happy Hoarder Day # 10 Body Clutter Feb. 24, 2015

  Happy Hoarder  Day # 10  Body Clutter Feb. 24, 2015
 A journey into cleaning up a big pile of..... hoard
(photos still in the cloud - will post as soon as they arrive!)
                                                       Body Clutter
                                                            by Janet S. Tiger   
                                                (c) 2015     all rights reserved

Forget body glitter, think of body clutter. The reality is, that I am cluttered on more than just the physical level things I have saved.  I have managed to clutter up my.....body.  Not with piercings or tatoos, but, did you guess it?  Dare I say it?  Yes, my body is cluttered with..... food.

I eat food sometime that should be thrown out not because it's bad but because no one should save three tablespoons of old rice.  No one wants to eat it......it costs more to save it, and, if I don't eat it, it gets stuck in the back of the fridge as clutter there, until it grows a delicious new coat of many colors.
Reality again ......just like when physical items create clutter in the home, the excess food creates body clutter........ and that results in a very simple bunch of...... fat. 

The thing about fat is that,  like the other clutter, I have many reasons to hold on to it  - and all of the excuses, I mean rational reasons - are wonderful and ridiculous at the same time.

Just like I explained away old papers that have no value, I say to myself ...'oh look, here's a milky way bar that I just found where I had hidden it from my son.....let's see what it tastes like.'  

My son who no longer eats sugar, and hasn't eaten sugar in many years, so he is a poor excuse for hiding these candy bars.  So why hide them?  For emergencies.  Like when there's an asteroid that hits the earth and no crops can grow for two years, or when there's a tsunami.  

So, I forget about the candy bar, and when I finally find the candy bar, do I give it to someone else or throw it out because it is probably old and doesn't taste good or .......do I eat it creating more body clutter for myself? (This is a rhetorical question)  When I save the mildewed book, is it the same as the chocolate that has gone a bit white with age......or worse, the Kit Kat bar that has the added protein of tiny worms when you bite into it?

For just as the physical clutter creates unhealthy situations - potential for fires and rodents and bugs of every variety - the body clutter provides unnecessary breeding grounds for illness.  The excess weight puts me at risk for high blood pressure (I notice that when my weight drops, my need for medicine drops away, too)  And there's always the joy of the added gift of diabetes.....or heart disease or a myriad of other unpleasant side effects of the corpus delecti clutter.

But today I see it in a new light.  It is irritating in the same way the rest of the junk is - I can see the reasons for the hoarding, know they are beyond foolish, but the dropping of the holding on of food is just as difficult as the holding on to the past.  Or is it the same issue?  Letting go of the past, of the objects, the yums-yums........

Perhaps this is too big an issue for one day.  Right now I need to donate some cans and some delicious chocolate bars.to those who can appreciate it .......but before they go, maybe I can just have one more eensy, weensy, tiny little bite?

Janet S. Tiger    858-736-6315
Member Dramatists Guild since 1983
Swedenborg Hall 2006-8

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