Saturday, February 28, 2015

Happy Hoarder Day # 13 I Dreamt of Clutter Feb. 27, 2015

  Happy Hoarder  Day # 13  I Dreamt of Clutter Feb. 27, 2015
 A journey into cleaning up a big pile of..... hoard
                                                I Dreamt of...... Clutter
                                                            by Janet S. Tiger   
                                                (c) 2015     all rights reserved

For those unfamiliar with this blog, to understand today's post, you may want to read yesterday's.  I asked the question, how do you throw away dreams? What the hell does that mean anyways?  I don't think I know, but I will try to unravel the ball of string (probably saved somewhere in my domain) that led me to this revelation.

On Day # 9, I discussed deferred decisions, but then, yesterday, I started to grasp that the most serious clutter is within.  Anger, annoyance, prejudice, self-pity, self-loathing (those last two dance together) and the scariest - self-denial.  That one covers three problems - denying oneself (the pleasures of many things, including a neatened area), just plain denial (which ain't a river in Egypt if you say it properly) of reality, and the biggie - denial of one's .....self.   We are not our junk, we are not the things we have, or lost.  Yet somehow, the loss of something beloved creates a hole, which we need to fill somehow.  If we work at the loss, grieve through all the steps, find another to love (human or animal or other passion), then I doubt if I would need to hold onto all these other pieces of junk.

Nature abhors a vacuum, so when I do not address the losses of dreams I once had, then the items I save fill in - not well, but so what?  The job is done.  And I am surrounded by my substitute substitutions. 

The receipts I save represent the dreams I once had that money would be less of a problem one day - look, I had money to buy things even when times were tight.  The records of a business long gone recalls the good times, which flood back when I see the old pages, when dreams of the future were in color and yet to come. And the biggest, the dream that I would have been a great success as a writer when I was young enough to enjoy it.  That dream is gone, but I am working to replace it with a dream that my writing's success will be shown through how it helped people, how what I wrote changed others....that is not a youthful dream, so I can hold it takes up no room, but it fills me with great happiness.  I go to sleep.... with a smile on my face. (Hopefully I will remember to wear something else when I awaken, or else my roommates complain.)

Janet S. Tiger    858-736-6315
Member Dramatists Guild since 1983
Swedenborg Hall 2006-8

1 comment:

  1. This is VERY good. I like your philosophy. Your exploration wading thorough
    your mind is thorough and surprisingly honest, Somehow the process you are
    bringing us along with you gives me hope.
    Thanks for your thoughtfulness and for the journey.
