Thursday, February 26, 2015

Happy Hoarder Day # 12 Invisible Clutter Feb. 26, 2015

  Happy Hoarder  Day # 12 Invisible Clutter  Feb. 26, 2015
 A journey into cleaning up a big pile of..... hoard
                                                     Invisible Clutter
                                                            by Janet S. Tiger   
                                                (c) 2015     all rights reserved

I was going to leave this page blank to make my point, then realized if I didn't explain what invisible clutter was, some people might not understand.

All week, actually, for 11 days, I have been focusing on the different pieces of visible clutter I have been able to let go.  Ripped, stained clothing, old broken machines, mildewed papers.....empty spice jars.  Not an easy task - I have struggled every day.  But today is the worst.  I came to a horrifying realization - if I keep up at this rate, I will have to live forever to get rid of the excess stuff I have now!

And then it came to me, another realization, one that might make the rest a tiny bit easier.  Yes, it's possible, just possible, that the worst clutter is.......not visible.  Oooh, I can hear some thinking....'if you can't see it, how would anyone know it's still there?'  The answer is, unfortunately, now very obvious to me.

Only I can know.

For the clutter that is at the root of all the rest is......inside of my head..... in my my very soul.   All the excuses I make, the weird reasons for saving, the exceptionally odd rationale I use to hold on to all this....this stuff, it's my head.

And now that I have identified it, it does not make it any easier to rid myself of its encircling tentacles.

My first root out the need to look at every single receipt that I have ever owned or seen, or had pushed into some deep pocket.  I can actually throw them out....without a glance.  The root is in the remembering of the moments when those receipts were first generated.  WHY DO I NEED TO REMEMBER?  If I never see these again, and never remember their origins, how will that hurt me?  Am I afraid of hurting someone else by discarding these completely useless - and mostly faded - pages of numbers?  Does knowing that a dozen eggs once cost 45 cents help me in any way?

I touch the wounds in myself, and hope to heal them soon......but how do you throw away....dreams?

Janet S. Tiger    858-736-6315
Member Dramatists Guild since 1983
Swedenborg Hall 2006-8

1 comment:

  1. Good ideas and thoughts, Quite literary here and there. Enjoyed the mini expose' on the old sale receipts.
    Save the spice jars for me!
