Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Happy Hoarder Day # 17 Pop(corn) Goes the Illusions March 3, 2015

  Happy Hoarder  Day # 17  Pop(corn) Goes the Illusions March 3, 2015
 A journey into cleaning up a big pile of..... hoard

                                          Pop(corn) Goes the Illusions
                                                            by Janet S. Tiger   
                                                (c) 2015     all rights reserved

Food.  Throwing out food.  It is almost like an eleventh commandment - 'Thou shalt not waste food'

And so, this brain clutter has allowed me to justify keeping stuff in my fridge until it becomes a new species.  Almost justifies eating food that is less than fully fresh - and often not at all necessary to ingest to continue life.

So yesterday, I threw out some popcorn.

Don't get me wrong, I did taste it first!

And I love popcorn, so it was more than just one kernel.  But it was stale.

My husband (yes, the same one who said Amvets would throw away my bricks, which just proved I was a few bricks short of a load) pointed out that the popcorn bag showed clearly that it was out of date.

But only one month!  I argued.  Then I tasted.  Still stale.

I suppose I could have fixed it with extra butter.  But do I need that?  I don't think so.  My hips don't think so.

The moment was heralded with a bowing of the head as I threw out the microwaved packet.  Should I take a photo?  NOOOOO! shouted my daughter and husband in unison.

So I didn't. Not right away.  I take a photo of the unopened package still left.  Should I pop it and see if this one is stale as well?  Decisions, decisions.

Inside, I feel there is some vestige of a belief that if I eat this food, someone will not starve because I wasted it.  Not logical, but there.  I eat for all those who cannot eat, who do not have the food to eat.  There is a big piece of......brain clutter.  I examine this and hear a popping in my head, as if the microwave of my brain has exploded this idea and come to a kernel of truth.

I miss helping others.  Before my father aged (he is almost 91) and before my husband had a stroke (he is 64, and much better) I used to be more involved with others.  So an idea pops into my head (sorry about all the popcorn allusions, but I do love the crunchy, even if it's just mental!)  and I come to a conclusion.  I doubt strongly that my putting on weight actually helps a person who has no food.  I no longer hope they know I am getting fatter just for them.

And I make a promise to myself that - as my time frees up - I will once again get involved in helping restaurants and food establishments donate their day old leftovers to organizations that help the less fortunate. I used to do this, years ago, and I miss it.  So below are some suggestions that everyone reading this can use - one thing I believe in giving away is ideas.  Help is one thing that should not be hoarded.

Now am sitting here trying to think of a good way to end this with yet another popcorn joke - but, sorry, the bag is empty.......
For those who have a little time to help -

Organizations that I have known in the past to donate their end-of-day and day-old foods to non-profit organizations.  (They may not now, but others might.  If you know of other organizations, please send me an email and I will add the companies here.) 

 Suggestion - contact the manager, and follow their directions, which usually include bringing in a letter on the non-profit stationery.  The letter should include the reason for getting the give-away items, and what will be done with the donations.  A follow-up thank you is nice, too, and if you can get photos of the people who are enjoying the donations, that is always appreciated.

Einstein Bros.
Kentucky Fried Chicken
Pick up Stix

and you can just ask!

Lots of places can use donations - Ronald McDonald house, all the food pantries and any church that helps the homeless.  I just read that a third of all the food produced on this planet goes to waste - if we fix that, maybe no one would go hungry!

Janet S. Tiger    858-736-6315
Member Dramatists Guild since 1983
Swedenborg Hall 2006-8

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