Happy Hoarder Day # 36 A Basket Case March 22, 2015
A journey into cleaning up a big pile of..... hoard
A Basket Case
One would think this broken laundry basket is a slam dunk for the garbage heap. One would - if one was normal. But I, I look at this poor, wounded basket, loyal to the end, as a trusted friend - one with a lovely orange color that I enjoy looking at when I carry the dirty clothes to the washer and back.
by Janet S. Tiger
(c) 2015 all rights reserved
It had
been slightly broken around the edge for a few months - but I could ignore that. The basket still worked - it held the clothing.
been slightly broken around the edge for a few months - but I could ignore that. The basket still worked - it held the clothing.
So I put up with the injured part - as one might ignore a bad finger....or two or three.
Then the crack ruptured all the way down the side, and parts began snapping off. The moments of usefulness were numbered, especially when one of the sharpened edges cut me - and ripped some of the clothing.
It is a shame to put this pretty color into the dirty pail.....I fear it cannot be recycled, and that makes me very sad. Perhaps it will end up in a nice dump, with other household items nearby, to be able to talk with (as opposed to, say, dirty diapers - how much in common could a lovely smooth orange basket have with actual pathetic smelly stuff?)
But I digress - I take the photo, and the item is snapped apart to fit into the pail. A tiny part of my brain cries. Who's the basket case now? Don't answer that, it was a rhetorical question.
Janet S. Tiger 858-736-6315
Member Dramatists Guild since 1983
Swedenborg Hall 2006-8
I love the orange basket. There is something lovable about it. Requisat in Pacem.