Happy Hoarder Day # 34 Boxed Out March 20, 2015
A journey into cleaning up a big pile of..... hoard
by Janet S. Tiger
(c) 2015 all rights reserved
One small box for the recycling, one giant leap for....me.
Today was hectic, but not a lot of time to declutter. However, a major event did occur.
I put a box into the recycler.
Not just any box, mind you.
A new box. One from an item just opened. And item put into use, and THE BOX IS NOW GONE.
This never has happened before - especially with such a lovely, perfect little box. A box that is just the right size for a gift to be shipped in - a box with nice straight, hard sides, still never stepped on, with no bugs inside, no mold from having been outside for a few months in a damp place.
A sweet box. Able to protect a tender little item...dare I say the words? Maybe I ....love this box......and.......maybe I should not recycle it ....just yet. But, alas, it is too late.....the box is gone, along with all its potential to do good. A tear wells up in my eye.
Yes, it may be only one box, and maybe I am proud I have learned to throw out this type of item....but ......you probably will guess this.....I am
But I will go on......wait, isn't there a song for that? Sing it, Celine!
Janet S. Tiger 858-736-6315
Member Dramatists Guild since 1983
Swedenborg Hall 2006-8
You certainly did take a giant leap!