Monday, March 16, 2015

Happy Hoarder Day # 30 Just a Little Bit March 16, 2015

  Happy Hoarder  Day # 30  March 16, 2015
 A journey into cleaning up a big pile of..... hoard
Imminent Avalanche

                                                            Just a Little Bit 
                                                           by Janet S. Tiger  
                                                (c) 2015     all rights reserved

I was once doing some repairs on a house I knew I would be moving from, so I did not want to put in too much money.  I remember looking at the work, nicely done, and being irritated I couldn't do everything - and the construction guy said to me, 'it's like a woman only making up one eye'

How unfortunately true!  And I don't even do eye make-up, so this is even more amazing that even I understand the comparison.

Half done is not done at all.  It's like cooking the eggs for half the time necessary - they look better than raw, but could make you very sick.  Not done.  Like taking a shower and not washing under one armpit.  The rest of you is nice and clean-smelling, but somehow, it does not overtake the rank of that poor pit that is left unwashed.

The one bad apple does spoil the whole barrel, I guess.  So, even though I am happy with my progress, it is very irritating not to be done.

And I wonder if it ever will be.  Does the junk multiply while I sleep?  Like.....viruses? (If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my clutter to take......but I fear God doesn't want my crap either!)

It seems as if this is the case, even though I am aware I could be exaggerating a teensy, tiny bit.

One newspaper left on the floor - the room is a mess.  One dish in the sink.  Of course, I have a lot more than one, but you get the drift.  More work is necessary - I must not sit on my laurels.  Even though my laurels are tired and would like to be sat on - much as I love doing this blog, I may have to have a list of goals.  To reach by certain dates.  I can hear my brain laughing.  Wait, do I hear an avalanche of lots of little bits?   Gotta go - hope I can do just a little bit more.....with a little bit of that a song cluttering my brain.......a little bit of bloomin'

Janet S. Tiger    858-736-6315
Member Dramatists Guild since 1983
Swedenborg Hall 2006-8

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