Monday, March 30, 2015

Happy Hoarder Day # 44 The Search March 30, 2015

Happy Hoarder  Day # 44 The Search March 30, 2015
 A journey into cleaning up a big pile of..... hoard
                                                           The Search
                                         by Janet S. Tiger  
                                                (c) 2015     all rights reserved

The opposite of having too much is having too little.  But in between is the land of....lost.  You have the item, you just had it, in your hand, and black magic, you don't.  It's gone.  And you have the chance to make.....the journey to the land of 'where is that damned........'(fill in the blank)

Ah, the search!  The greatest writing of mankind has dealt with...the search!  For the Holy Grail, the Lost Ark, the perfect mate, the Fountain of Youth, the Golden Fleece, El Dorado......the perfect burger.

All impossible to find, which is why the search continues......and now I have figured out why we lose things.  The secret is in the need to hunt for something.....that we may never attain.  All the biggies take a long time to look for.....but when we lose our glasses, our keys, our cell phones, dentures.....those have a definite location - somewhere in our home.  They are near!  We might actually find the item if we look quickly, if we look hard enough, if WE DO NOT GIVE UP!

So the hunt begins....where did we see the item last?  There is a bit of madness mixed know it's true, the joy of the hunt.  Yes, joy.  Almost a form of meditation.   The mind becomes focused like a beam of light.  All else disappears except the need to FIND THE ITEM!

Where is it?  Where is it hiding?  Did someone steal it?  A stranger....or worse....A FAMILY MEMBER?  Did the dog hide it  somewhere?  Did something cover it up, only to be discovered when the newspaper from two days ago is finally read?  Did it fall into the garbage pail - or worse, into a gap in the space-time continuum?

Where is that goshdarned......(fill in the blank)!!!!

And the item is lost when we need it most -  the computer is asking for a credit card and our purse has gone awol - and we have thirty seconds to get THE GREATEST DEAL OF THE CENTURY !.....we want to watch that episode we've been waiting to see all week and our $200 glasses cannot be found ANYWHERE ....or.....we are walking out the door, already late to that important meeting and THAT WAS THE LAST SET OF CAR KEYS!

But in de-cluttering, we add the element of a horror story.....if the item can't be found quickly....could it have been....GIVEN AWAY.....or worse......(bold is for worse)  THROWN INTO THE GARBAGE!  This final option is the most difficult,'s the rationale....if the item was donated, there is a tiny, teeny chance that the item.....could be found.  (Watch old Brady Bunch re-runs to see this fantasy come to life)  But if it's in the garbage dump, the truth hits....even if we found it..... would we REALLY
want it back?

The photo above is from yesterday - improved from the day before, but not as good as tomorrow.  Hmm, that sounds like another song.  I love you more today than yesterday, but not as much as tomorrow.......Oh, no, it's stuck in my brain!   Now hoarding music, that's a real horror.... those ear worms are impossible to get rid of!  Help!

Janet S. Tiger    858-736-6315
Member Dramatists Guild since 1983
Swedenborg Hall 2006-8

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